SE AU Auburn Classic
15 and over, A Final, #30
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Tommy Bried
Ace Aquatic Club
876 -1.6%
2 Zach Ward
Buckeye Swim Club
818 +4.0% PB
3 Robby Jones
Ace Aquatic Club
730 -0.1%
4 Aidan Rickaby
5 Christian Perez
Tampa Bay Aquatics
720 +4.1% PB
6 Garrison Chandler
Auburn Aquatics
650 +3.8% PB
7 Holden Sanders
Crimson Tide Aquatics
675 +0.5% PB
8 Alex Reyman
615 +3.8% SB
15 and over, B Final, #30
Name Time Pts Imp
9 JB Whiteley
Tampa Bay Aquatics
630 +3.6% PB
10 Jake Browne
Auburn Aquatics
11 Kyle Gransee
Trinity Prep Aquatics
570 +1.5% PB
12 Tyler Prince
Auburn Aquatics
568 -1.0%
13 Benjamin Nordstrom
Metro Atlanta Aquatic Club
480 +2.0% PB
14 Sam Rix
Panama City Swim Team
418 -3.0%
15 Oliver Carson
Auburn Aquatics
403 +3.3% PB
17 Zolon Knoll
453 +5.6% PB
15 and over, C Final, #30
Name Time Pts Imp
16 Thaine Nederveld
Buckeye Swim Club
472 +0.5% PB
18 Luis Sanchez
Trinity Prep Aquatics
189 -0.2%
15 and over, Preliminaries, #30
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Zach Ward
Buckeye Swim Club
772 +2.1% PB
2 Tommy Bried
Ace Aquatic Club
799 -5.0%
3 Alex Reyman
723 +8.1% SB
4 Robby Jones
Ace Aquatic Club
697 -1.5%
5 Garrison Chandler
Auburn Aquatics
692 +5.5% PB
6 Aidan Rickaby
7 Christian Perez
Tampa Bay Aquatics
701 +3.3% PB
8 Holden Sanders
Crimson Tide Aquatics
665 +0.1% PB
9 Kyle Gransee
Trinity Prep Aquatics
585 +2.2% PB
10 Jake Browne
Auburn Aquatics
11 Tyler Prince
Auburn Aquatics
539 -2.3%
12 JB Whiteley
Tampa Bay Aquatics
521 -1.1%
13 Benjamin Nordstrom
Metro Atlanta Aquatic Club
469 +1.6% PB
14 Sam Rix
Panama City Swim Team
424 -2.7%
15 Zolon Knoll
493 +7.2% PB
16 Oliver Carson
Auburn Aquatics
411 +3.7% PB
17 Thaine Nederveld
Buckeye Swim Club
479 +0.9% PB
18 Matthew Prescott
Columbus Aquatic Club
200 PB
19 Luis Sanchez
Trinity Prep Aquatics
175 -0.9%
Alex McKeown
Columbus Aquatic Club
13 - 14, Finals, #28
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Shane McEliece
Panama City Swim Team
788 +2.1% PB
2 Kevyn Collazo Torres
Trinity Prep Aquatics
637 +3.9% PB
3 Kyle Wilson
Auburn Aquatics
327 +3.8% PB
4 James-hale Thomas
Huntsville Swim Association
385 +0.3% PB
5 Alex Fulton
Panama City Swim Team
13 - 14, Preliminaries, #28
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Shane McEliece
Panama City Swim Team
736 -0.1%
2 Kevyn Collazo Torres
Trinity Prep Aquatics
621 +3.3% PB
3 Kyle Wilson
Auburn Aquatics
344 +4.5% PB
4 James-hale Thomas
Huntsville Swim Association
375 -0.1%
5 Alex Fulton
Panama City Swim Team
Mark Underwood
Lifetime Southeast
Jac Cummings
Columbus Aquatic Club
