MR PAC Winter Invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Julia Yang
Gael Aquatic Clu
531 +0.8% PB
2 Clare Schwartz
Sussex County Branch YMCA
493 0.0%
3 Julia Bazinet
Westchester Aquatic Club
529 -1.2%
4 Rory Sheridan
Westchester Aquatic Club
526 -1.1%
5 Jessica Shaw
Phoenix Aquatic Club
6 Keala Schubert
Westchester Aquatic Club
415 PB
7 Grace Kelly
Empire Swimming
372 -4.0%
8 Becca Storch
Phoenix Aquatic Club
326 +1.9% PB
9 Nicole D'Amore
Westchester Aquatic Club
255 +0.6% PB
10 Anna McDonald
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
253 -3.2%
11 Amber Christy
Sussex County Branch YMCA
240 PB
12 Chantal Merino
Gael Aquatic Clu
227 -0.3%
13 Olivia Serrano
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
189 -2.3%
14 Johannah Ryder
Empire Swimming
161 -8.4%
15 Eftychia Kotsiou
Empire Swimming
16 Emma Lazier
Sussex County Branch YMCA
17 Elizabeth Denning
Gael Aquatic Clu
26 +4.8% PB
18 Galliana Khassanov
Phoenix Aquatic Club
2 +6.7% PB
Katherine Anticev
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
