MR PAC Winter Invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Zeno Park
Phoenix Aquatic Club
472 +2.1% PB
2 Drew Morrison
Westchester Aquatic Club
466 0.0%
3 Thomas Peng
Westchester Aquatic Club
633 +1.0% PB
4 Daniel Sichtnik
Westchester Aquatic Club
631 +2.2% PB
5 Liam Dunn
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
626 +1.9% PB
6 Gavin Tripido
Phoenix Aquatic Club
396 +0.1% PB
7 Chance Townsend
Westchester Aquatic Club
566 -0.5%
8 Jeremiah Tomioka
Phoenix Aquatic Club
511 +5.5% PB
9 Thaddeus Curylo
Gael Aquatic Clu
387 -0.8%
10 Andrew Wu
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
11 Liam Cunniffe
Sussex County Branch YMCA
12 Chris Gutierrez
Sussex County Branch YMCA
320 +3.9% PB
13 Gianluca Polenzani
Gael Aquatic Clu
121 PB
14 Yumin Hwang
Phoenix Aquatic Club
36 +4.0% PB
15 Dylan Pachkovskiy
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
132 -1.4%
16 Michael Noto
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
2 -0.5%
17 Matthew Wu
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
18 Dylan Kim
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
Nicholas Lee
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
