CA SAND Pumpkin Invitational
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Devin Bauman
Sandpipers of Nevada
2 Abby Dunford
Monrovia Aquatix
770 -0.1%
3 Jesse Malmquist
Sandpipers of Nevada
479 PB
4 Gabriel Manteufel
Sandpipers of Nevada
753 PB
5 Lucy Warnick
Sandpipers of Nevada
521 -0.4%
6 Fisher Corwin
Sandpipers of Nevada
7 Caleb Kattau
Sandpipers of Nevada
572 PB
8 Jacob Imasa
Sandpipers of Nevada
532 PB
9 Kai Marshall
Sandpipers of Nevada
271 +0.6% PB
10 Jack White
Sandpipers of Nevada
11 Jack Fulham
Sandpipers of Nevada
12 Jordan Evans
Sandpipers of Nevada
363 -0.6%
13 Hailey Imasa
Sandpipers of Nevada
474 PB
14 Julie Merlin
Sandpipers of Nevada
357 -2.1%
15 Kenny Meyer
Sandpipers of Nevada
451 -2.0%
16 Makena Mamola
Sandpipers of Nevada
419 -1.0%
17 Riley Christensen
Sandpipers of Nevada
522 PB
18 Brooklyn Smith
Sandpipers of Nevada
510 +0.4% PB
19 Amanda Schweichler
Sandpipers of Nevada
254 PB
20 Peyton Kerby
Sandpipers of Nevada
497 +2.3% PB
21 Ella Sacco
Sandpipers of Nevada
490 +2.7% PB
22 Maksim Nazarov
Sandpipers of Nevada
513 +2.0% PB
23 Michael Dawkins
Sandpipers of Nevada
233 PB
24 Dru Bauman
Sandpipers of Nevada
245 -5.2%
25 Bam Silvestre
Sandpipers of Nevada
207 -5.4%
26 Emma Rampoldi
Sandpipers of Nevada
338 PB
27 Kaylee Ludtke
Sandpipers of Nevada
309 -2.4%
28 Alex Valerio
Sandpipers of Nevada
159 -1.8%
29 Ella Maurice
Sandpipers of Nevada
184 -1.7%
30 Teddy Zachariou
Sandpipers of Nevada
347 -0.9%
