KY TNT Iron Swimmer
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Camryn Woodrum
Central Kentucky Aquatics
335 +4.6% PB
2 Ashten Phillips
Central Kentucky Aquatics
40 -5.4%
3 Hannah Warthman
Thorobred Nautical Team
32 -2.1%
4 Lilli Wingrove
Thorobred Nautical Team
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Taylor Hatfield
Swimchester Sailfish
428 +2.8% PB
2 Isabella Spencer
Wilderness Trace YMCA Stingrays / Commonwealth Swim Club
322 +1.5% PB
3 Parvin Smith
Thorobred Nautical Team
199 -1.5%
4 Madalyn Nolley
Central Kentucky Aquatics
12 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sara Griffith
Lakeside (KY)
366 -0.1%
2 Audrey Weinberg
Lakeside (KY)
347 +2.4% PB
3 Elle Gunderson
Lakeside (KY)
256 -0.8%
Avery Allen
Lakeside (KY)
