MR COND Summer Solstice Invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sofia Fenton
New York Sharks (NYSA)
676 +5.0% SB
2 Maichina Gennarelli
Condors Swim Club
3 Chloe Lee
Somerset County YMCA
482 PB
4 Heesoo Kim
Somerset County YMCA
473 PB
5 Vesa Kyqykaliu
New York Sharks (NYSA)
333 -2.2%
6 Maia Minakas
Somerset County YMCA
293 PB
7 Kristen Gazzara
Condors Swim Club
395 +4.2% PB
8 Gloria Yao
Somerset County YMCA
286 PB
9 Simar Singh
Somerset County YMCA
285 PB
10 Sahana Radhakrishnan
Somerset County YMCA
11 Kayla Dwyer
Condors Swim Club
367 PB
12 Alex Concepcion
New York Sharks (NYSA)
259 PB
13 Amanda Chau
Somerset County YMCA
14 Katie Cho
Condors Swim Club
339 PB
15 Claudia Olszewski
Condors Swim Club
226 PB
16 Zoe Brown
Condors Swim Club
302 -0.2%
17 Olivia Lee
Condors Swim Club
297 -1.5%
17 Kiersten Zecchin
North Rockland Aquatic Club
193 +4.9% PB
19 Molly McClafferty
Condors Swim Club
20 Gillian Roethke
Somerset County YMCA
21 Haley Lamont
Somerset County YMCA
242 PB
22 Luisa Escorriola
Somerset County YMCA
23 Angelina Florin
North Rockland Aquatic Club
110 PB
24 Nivedha Sundarrajan
Somerset County YMCA
101 PB
25 Amelia Ellis
Somerset County YMCA
26 Namita Parekh
Somerset County YMCA
79 PB
27 Kalina Hernandez
YMCA of Middletown
77 -4.0%
28 Patty Olszewski
Condors Swim Club
29 Gillian Callahan
Somerset County YMCA
163 PB
30 Alina Qureshi
Condors Swim Club
44 PB
31 Olivia McCarron
North Rockland Aquatic Club
127 PB
32 EJ Safran
Condors Swim Club
119 +0.3% PB
33 Morgan Grant
Condors Swim Club
28 -2.1%
34 Jazmin Ortiz-Quinonez
Somerset County YMCA
94 PB
35 Delia Callahan
Somerset County YMCA
87 PB
36 CC Cepeda
Red Fox Aquatic Club
37 Mary Cate Cornine
YMCA of Middletown
63 PB
38 Chonn Hinton
Deep End Aquatics Swim Club
39 Madi Cabrera
Condors Swim Club
2 -3.7%
Malunga Kinzonzi
YMCA of Middletown
Angelina Tinajero
Condors Swim Club
Margeaux Anselmi
Condors Swim Club
