VA NOVA senior classic
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Clark Beach
Quest Swimming
804 +0.3% PB
2 David Dixon
Nova of Virginia
790 +0.9% SB
3 Jack McSorley
Nova of Virginia
761 +2.0% SB
4 Lane Stone
Nations Capital Swim Club
5 Ethan Beach
Quest Swimming
751 +0.0% SB
6 Patrick Townsend
Nova of Virginia
748 -0.5%
7 Sam Pomajevich
Nations Capital Swim Club
8 DC Hellams
Nova of Virginia
789 +2.7% PB
9 Jacob Halem
Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
10 Kyle Barker
Nations Capital Swim Club
11 Dain Ripol
Nova of Virginia
763 +3.3% SB
12 Timothy Mckinley
Nations Capital Swim Club
711 -1.3%
13 Colby Chung
Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
726 PB
14 Garyth Morgan
Quest Swimming
634 +2.0% PB
15 Ian Tansill
709 PB
16 Chris Dalla Valle
Nova of Virginia
652 -1.3%
17 Ian Vollmer
Nations Capital Swim Club
18 Vinny Vivadelli
632 -0.2%
19 Nicholas Viers
Nova of Virginia
686 0.0%
20 Diego Morales
Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
21 Eli Tarabocchia
Quest Swimming
730 -1.1%
22 Kyle Goodwill
Nations Capital Swim Club
615 -1.4%
23 Patrick Madden
Nova of Virginia
24 Doak Schultz
Nations Capital Swim Club
597 PB
25 Andrew Smith
Nations Capital Swim Club
26 David Grinstead
Nations Capital Swim Club
27 Jonathan York
Quest Swimming
554 +1.0% SB
28 Drake Wielar
Nova of Virginia
534 -1.4%
29 Connor Doyle
Quest Swimming
608 +0.8% SB
30 Ethan Choo
Nova of Virginia
542 -0.8%
31 David Rubenstein
Nations Capital Swim Club
32 Simon Li
Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
521 PB
33 Andres Alarcon
Nations Capital Swim Club
34 John Marder
Nations Capital Swim Club
35 Alex Kidd
Quest Swimming
552 +1.4% PB
36 Kevin Song
Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
483 PB
37 Kenny Song
Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
38 Alex Clark
Nations Capital Swim Club
565 PB
39 Nikolas Lee-Bishop
Nova of Virginia
548 -1.2%
40 Matthew Parisi
Quest Swimming
412 +1.6% SB
41 Sean Reilly
Nations Capital Swim Club
42 Atesh Camurdan
Nova of Virginia
591 -5.0%
43 Brian Kwon
Nova of Virginia
484 +1.4% PB
44 Justin Geiszler
Quest Swimming
408 -1.3%
45 Davis Jobe
Nova of Virginia
402 +0.4% PB
46 Barrett Fleming
Quest Swimming
333 +1.9% PB
47 Andrew Farney
Nova of Virginia
523 PB
48 Christian Massengill
Nova of Virginia
347 -1.7%
Will Tenpas
Nations Capital Swim Club
Iain Moore
Nova of Virginia