A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Jacob Kobylarzyk
Valparaiso Swim Club
532 +4.1% PB
2 Sawyer Cannon
Irish Aquatics
517 -0.2%
3 Mateo Vargas
Munster Swim Club
514 +2.0% PB
4 Thomas Wandling
Irish Aquatics
513 +3.3% PB
5 Christo Dousias
Lake Central Barracudas
505 +2.6% PB
6 Dean Snyder
Crown Point Swim Club
493 +5.1% PB
7 Nolan Byard
Hobart Tiger Sharks
630 +3.6% PB
8 Zander Wiegel
Duneland Swim Club
478 +10.4% PB
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Hunter Sines
Highland Hurricanes Swim Club
430 +2.1% SB
10 Connor Davis
The Waves Swim Club
413 +2.6% PB
11 Jaxson Ruckman
Crown Point Swim Club
508 +2.0% SB
12 Harrison Veldman
The Waves Swim Club
361 +4.4% PB
13 Logan Rompca
Lake Central Barracudas
486 +3.3% PB
14 Lucas Casey
Crown Point Swim Club
302 +2.5% PB
15 Logan Nelson
Crown Point Swim Club
301 -1.9%
16 Kyle Jerousek
Munster Swim Club
254 -1.3%
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Thomas Wandling
Irish Aquatics
506 +3.0% PB
2 Dean Snyder
Crown Point Swim Club
498 +5.3% PB
2 Nolan Byard
Hobart Tiger Sharks
648 +4.4% PB
4 Zander Wiegel
Duneland Swim Club
493 +11.0% PB
4 Jacob Kobylarzyk
Valparaiso Swim Club
493 +2.3% PB
6 Sawyer Cannon
Irish Aquatics
490 -1.4%
7 Christo Dousias
Lake Central Barracudas
466 +0.8% PB
8 Mateo Vargas
Munster Swim Club
433 -1.7%
9 Logan Nelson
Crown Point Swim Club
409 +3.4% PB
10 Jaxson Ruckman
Crown Point Swim Club
555 +4.1% PB
11 Connor Davis
The Waves Swim Club
401 +2.0% PB
12 Hunter Sines
Highland Hurricanes Swim Club
400 +0.7% SB
13 Kyle Jerousek
Munster Swim Club
365 +4.2% PB
14 Logan Rompca
Lake Central Barracudas
503 +4.0% PB
15 Lucas Casey
Crown Point Swim Club
342 +4.4% PB
16 Harrison Veldman
The Waves Swim Club
340 +3.4% PB
17 Bennett Funk
Valparaiso Swim Club
475 +4.9% PB
18 Alex Kvaratskhelia
Irish Aquatics
319 -1.6%
19 Mihailo Pavic
Lake Central Barracudas
287 +7.3% PB
20 Niko Nikolovski
Lake Central Barracudas
425 -7.2%
21 Quinn Bartkus
Duneland Swim Club
267 +4.6% PB
22 Jesse Arevalo
Duneland Swim Club
265 +0.6% PB
23 Andrew Jurcik
Munster Swim Club
249 -0.2%
24 Ty Barton
Valparaiso Swim Club
244 +4.5% PB
25 Landon Rippel
Portage Porpoise
229 -2.7%
26 Logan McCormick
Crown Point Swim Club
229 +4.7% PB
27 Jayden Kirby
Valparaiso Swim Club
342 +2.9% PB
28 Blake Boswell
Lake Central Barracudas
204 +0.5% PB
29 Nathan Seaman
Duneland Swim Club
337 +1.5% PB
30 Conner Smith
Lake Central Barracudas
314 +2.3% SB
31 Ryne Kensinger
Lake Central Barracudas
169 +1.1% PB
32 Eli Brown
Irish Aquatics
296 +0.9% SB
33 Matt Stojak
Crown Point Swim Club
286 +4.1% PB
34 Malik Harb
Munster Swim Club
153 -1.6%
35 Jaxon Glaros
Valparaiso Swim Club
274 +2.9% PB
36 Garrett Werntz
Irish Aquatics
125 -11.2%
37 Van Pappas
Laporte Community Turbos
109 -3.3%
38 Aaron Holmes
Munster Swim Club
222 -0.9%
39 Tommy Fusner
Highland Hurricanes Swim Club
174 +2.6% SB
40 Achilles Coulopoulos
Duneland Swim Club
159 -2.0%
41 Grant Wolferd
Duneland Swim Club
148 -7.5%
42 Jack Tuley
Lake Central Barracudas
85 -2.9%
Juan Tinoco
Portage Porpoise
