NJ Scarlet Superbowl Splash
15 and over, Timed Finals, #12
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Richard Poplawski
Scarlet Aquatics
889 -1.5%
2 Brandon Anand
Scarlet Aquatics
745 PB
3 Joey Stauss
Scarlet Aquatics
4 Jacob Kim
Scarlet Aquatics
668 PB
5 Peter Jarzab
Jersey Gators
625 -0.4%
6 Anson Chen
Scarlet Aquatics
665 -5.1%
7 Jeremiah Tomioka
Scarlet Aquatics
661 -1.8%
8 Burak Iloglu
Scarlet Aquatics
656 PB
9 Roy Sung
Scarlet Aquatics
648 -0.3%
10 Owen Kane
Scarlet Aquatics
600 +2.2% SB
11 Eric Yoo
Scarlet Aquatics
12 Jason Juwana
Scarlet Aquatics
581 -1.1%
13 Adam Kiss
Scarlet Aquatics
14 Troy Mayer
Scarlet Aquatics
480 -10.6%
15 Davide Mezzoli
Scarlet Aquatics
492 +1.1% PB
16 Oliver Kiss
Scarlet Aquatics
535 PB
17 Andrew Gaba
Scarlet Aquatics
459 -3.2%
18 Michael Grzanko
Scarlet Aquatics
510 -12.0%
19 Jonathan Hernandez
Scarlet Aquatics
473 -3.2%
20 Derek Carranza
Scarlet Aquatics
464 -4.2%
21 Toby Su
Scarlet Aquatics
446 -1.4%
22 Nathan Colosimo
Scarlet Aquatics
189 -1.8%
23 Ari Glasman
Scarlet Aquatics
203 -1.2%
24 Anthony Michal
Scarlet Aquatics
25 Jayden Gulati
Scarlet Aquatics
Ziv Shah
Scarlet Aquatics
13 - 14, Timed Finals, #12
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Caden Cho
Scarlet Aquatics
726 +0.5% SB
2 Yuriel Lee
Scarlet Aquatics
665 PB
3 Leo Mayzel
Scarlet Aquatics
580 -3.2%
4 West Morsa
Scarlet Aquatics
5 Basil Glacken
Scarlet Aquatics
391 +0.4% SB
6 Jordan Mann
Scarlet Aquatics
268 +7.3% PB
7 Matt Jackson
Scarlet Aquatics
207 +3.5% PB
8 Noah Dalloran
Scarlet Aquatics
9 Anant Sachidanandan
Scarlet Aquatics
189 PB
10 Daniel Costa
Scarlet Aquatics
Wayne Li
Scarlet Aquatics
12 and under, Timed Finals, #28
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Joseph Mastropietro
Scarlet Aquatics
376 +0.2% PB
2 Kfir Gorelik
Scarlet Aquatics
