KY Cardinal Aquatics Summer
15 and over, Timed Finals, #10
Name Time Pts Imp
1 JP Goyetche
Triton Swimming
2 Nico von Allmen
Cardinal Aquatics
697 +2.5% PB
3 Alex Smetanko
Highbridge Aquatics
439 +2.5% SB
4 Connor Kahle
Cardinal Aquatics
401 +1.5% PB
5 Hayden Kennedy
Cardinal Aquatics
344 +1.4% PB
6 Jaden Chambers
North Lexington YMCA
7 Sam Simon
Highbridge Aquatics
272 +2.3% PB
8 Greysen Day-Klaiber
North Lexington YMCA
188 +0.1% PB
13 - 14, Timed Finals, #10
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Yi Zheng
Wildcat Aquatics
678 PB
2 Ricardo Galan
Highbridge Aquatics
323 +4.5% PB
12 and under, Timed Finals, #8
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Harris Thornbury
Swimchester Sailfish
355 +5.6% PB
2 Jack Greenman
North Lexington YMCA
345 +2.6% PB
3 Hudson Kennedy
Cardinal Aquatics
208 -6.1%
4 Victor Brody
Cardinal Aquatics
193 -2.9%
5 Soren Cass
North Lexington YMCA
2 +0.5% PB
Brandon Whitlatch
Cardinal Aquatics