SE Martha Bass Invitational Meet
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Asher Kavur
The Stingrays
391 +3.7% PB
2 Carter Isham
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
3 Jackson Rawls
Mccallie GPS Aquatics
172 +4.0% PB
4 Nicholas Henry
Carpet Capital Aquatics
125 +13.9% PB
5 Gunnar Boggs
Baylor Swim Club
266 PB
6 Andrew Neale
Cumming Waves
102 +2.1% PB
7 Jacob Moore
Carpet Capital Aquatics
45 +4.7% PB
8 Luke Combs
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
72 +0.9% PB
9 Grant Callaway
Carpet Capital Aquatics
2 -2.3%
10 Zai Oliver
Anniston Barracudas
11 AJ Brogan
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
12 Luke Russell
Mccallie GPS Aquatics
13 Carlos Paniagua
Carpet Capital Aquatics
14 Dakotya Carroll
The Stingrays
2 PB
15 Carter Young
Mccallie GPS Aquatics
2 -6.6%
16 Santiago Angelats
Carpet Capital Aquatics
2 -1.2%
17 Jack Becker
Baylor Swim Club
2 +2.7% PB
18 Alex Hanning
Baylor Swim Club
2 +1.8% PB
19 Parker Johnston
Baylor Swim Club
2 +3.0% PB
20 Miles Worley
Mccallie GPS Aquatics
2 -0.2%
21 Asher Szlachetka
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
2 -10.1%
22 Legandt Jimenez
Carpet Capital Aquatics
2 +15.3% PB
