MR COND July Jubilee Invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Isaih Francis
Condors Swim Club
695 +1.2% SB
2 Austin Simpson
Condors Swim Club
631 -4.5%
3 Kostiantyn Kvasha
Matchpoint NYC
719 +0.1% PB
4 Tomek Oakes
New York Sharks (NYSA)
630 PB
5 Luke Dwyer
Condors Swim Club
614 -6.4%
6 Ethan Pak
Asphalt Green
692 +0.1% PB
7 Jimmy Dwyer
Condors Swim Club
8 Zachary Rothman
New York Sharks (NYSA)
621 -0.1%
9 Gregory Bazylko
Matchpoint NYC
618 +1.0% PB
10 Ron Sanchez
Condors Swim Club
569 -0.6%
11 Rohan Mehra
Asphalt Green
651 PB
12 Ben Manigbas
Condors Swim Club
566 +1.0% SB
13 Nicholas Sosa
Condors Swim Club
563 +0.1% PB
14 Cormac Lapolla
Asphalt Green
630 -0.4%
15 Jared Liu
Condors Swim Club
629 +0.3% PB
16 Aidan Zhu
Asphalt Green
625 +0.6% SB
17 Matthew Renwick
Asphalt Green
563 -0.9%
18 Ryan Morris
Condors Swim Club
519 -2.1%
19 Henry Doherty
Asphalt Green
507 -1.5%
20 Michael Kelly
New York Sharks (NYSA)
543 PB
21 Angelo Reade
New York Sharks (NYSA)
487 +2.5% PB
22 Peter Brelesky
Suffern Sea Lion
473 PB
23 Luke Sanchez
New York Sharks (NYSA)
513 +0.6% PB
24 Aidan Tat
New York Sharks (NYSA)
508 -1.5%
25 Vinny Velasquez
New York Sharks (NYSA)
468 +1.2% PB
26 Jordyn Cristoff-Gonzalez
New York Sharks (NYSA)
547 +1.7% PB
27 Ryan D'Auria
Condors Swim Club
456 0.0%
28 William Levine
Asphalt Green
536 PB
29 Eric Schreck
New York Sharks (NYSA)
479 +1.4% SB
30 Andrew Wu
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
474 -0.3%
31 Cooper Wright
New York Sharks (NYSA)
32 George Erich Gill
Asphalt Green
421 +1.8% SB
33 david sacca
Asphalt Green
34 Devin Rothman
New York Sharks (NYSA)
492 +5.5% PB
35 Ethan Taranto
New York Sharks (NYSA)
444 +1.7% PB
36 Vadym Pavlyshche
Matchpoint NYC
37 Patrick Fanshawe
Condors Swim Club
486 -0.2%
38 Klevis Dauti
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
424 -0.2%
39 Or Volpert
Matchpoint NYC
414 -1.9%
40 Tyler Ingraham
New York Sharks (NYSA)
393 PB
41 Aiden Ramirez
Condors Swim Club
433 +2.4% PB
42 Yamen Ghaly
New York Sharks (NYSA)
431 +3.3% PB
43 Robby Rieger
44 Matthew Wu
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
393 PB
45 Jonathan Wang
Condors Swim Club
382 +2.7% PB
46 Sebi Burgarelli
New York Sharks (NYSA)
311 +3.3% PB
47 Harry Finnegan
Condors Swim Club
271 -1.1%
48 Dylan Esposito
BGC-N. Westchester Marlins
338 -0.9%
49 Ethan Gluzman
Condors Swim Club
202 -2.7%
50 Eric Teyf
Matchpoint NYC
51 Dillon Montee
Elliot Radov
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
