AZ Copper Classic
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Adam VanLuvanee
Flagstaff Snow S
676 +2.3% PB
2 Carlos Lattanzi
Swim Neptune
581 -2.0%
3 Bennett Russo
Phoenix Swim Club
529 PB
4 Rafael De Sousa
Pitchfork Aquatics
5 Aiden Kelly
Swim Neptune
496 -1.7%
6 Rony DAHER
Pitchfork Aquatics
440 PB
7 Alberto Dominguez Razo
Pitchfork Aquatics
318 -0.1%
8 Reeve Moore
Swim Neptune
308 +0.2% PB
9 Seth Bolenbaugh
Pitchfork Aquatics
237 +5.3% PB
10 Leandro Prieto
Pitchfork Aquatics
2 +28.1% PB
11 Mark Ramirez
Life Time Arizona
Tucker Roth
Pitchfork Aquatics
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Xander Rackley
Life Time Arizona
292 +5.4% PB
2 Landon Hedin
Pitchfork Aquatics
336 +6.6% PB
3 Alexander Pernudi
Pitchfork Aquatics
263 +5.2% PB
4 Louis Cristanelli
Pitchfork Aquatics
224 -0.6%
5 Tosha Babenko
Pitchfork Aquatics
6 Matthew Allen
Pitchfork Aquatics
74 +30.9% PB
7 Drew Mosby
Swim Neptune
8 Cullen Rice
Life Time Arizona
2 -4.5%
9 Tobias Gallion
AZ Riptide
2 +6.9% PB
Om Walke
Swim Neptune
Liam Witherspoon
Pitchfork Aquatics
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Chance Miller
Swim Neptune
287 -0.4%
2 Kai Robinson
Swim Neptune
3 Declan MacEachran
Pitchfork Aquatics
382 -1.7%
4 Dominic Wright
Pitchfork Aquatics
312 +2.3% PB
5 Balian Baker
Pitchfork Aquatics
24 +6.1% PB
6 Milo DiCave
Swim Neptune
7 Daniel Sandoval
Swim Neptune
93 +3.0% PB
8 Mac Tinnin
Swim Neptune
2 +21.0% PB
9 Miles Fancher
Life Time Arizona
2 +2.0% PB
10 Haven Barnes
Swim Neptune
51 +1.7% PB
11 Greyson Castle
AZ Riptide
27 +8.4% PB
12 Lincoln Woolsey
Life Time Arizona
2 +3.7% PB
Nolan Richard
Life Time Arizona
10 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Jack Deyer
Life Time Arizona
403 +6.6% PB
2 Dikran Dikranian
Swim Neptune
143 +12.6% PB
3 Nolan Brinn
AZ Riptide
48 +1.3% PB
4 Elliott Seymour
Swim Neptune
5 Cana Oyer
Swim Neptune
6 Alexandru Vetry
Swim Neptune
2 +3.6% PB
7 Flynn Paul
Swim Neptune
8 Russell Khelly
Life Time Arizona