NC MOR Short Course Quali
15 and over, Timed Finals, #44
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Joey Harrison
Marlins of Raleigh
669 +4.6% PB
2 Baylor Weiler
Fort Liberty
550 +1.7% PB
3 Zachary Briddell
Marlins of Raleigh
504 +0.1% PB
4 Mason Jones
Marlins of Raleigh
498 +3.0% PB
5 Lucas Purcell
Marlins of Raleigh
471 -0.2%
6 Aaron Ng
Marlins of Raleigh
363 +4.1% PB
7 Josh Waldon
Marlins of Raleigh
362 -1.0%
8 Timmy Spivey
Marlins of Raleigh
404 -0.3%
9 Tommy Healey
Marlins of Raleigh
347 -0.8%
10 Kody Parrish
Marlins of Raleigh
296 -5.0%
11 Colton Allen
Marlins of Raleigh
341 -2.5%
12 Keon Pugh
Fort Liberty
271 -1.8%
13 Justin Jacobsen
Wilson Barracudas
132 +3.1% PB
14 Dwayne Magsino
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
61 -1.3%
15 Joey Liu
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
55 -2.6%
13 - 14, Timed Finals, #44
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Aaron Choi
Marlins of Raleigh
505 +0.5% PB
2 Cole Harclerode
Marlins of Raleigh
489 -1.5%
3 Everett McKone
Marlins of Raleigh
440 PB
4 Jake Levesque
Marlins of Raleigh
424 +4.7% PB
5 Aiden Marshall
Fort Liberty
6 Alex Osman
Marlins of Raleigh
263 -1.5%
7 Jack Rimmele
Marlins of Raleigh
323 +2.5% PB
8 Cameron Bescher
Marlins of Raleigh
276 -0.6%
9 Cole Nelson
Marlins of Raleigh
227 +3.8% PB
10 Ezra Barwick
Fort Liberty
11 Hayden Betts-Kitchen
Marlins of Raleigh
208 +2.5% PB
12 Brayden Davis
Marlins of Raleigh
13 Brayden Franklin
Marlins of Raleigh
14 Jack Croom
Marlins of Raleigh
147 +2.3% SB
15 Blake Savastano
Marlins of Raleigh
117 +2.9% PB
16 Levi Huntley
Marlins of Raleigh
3 +0.2% PB
17 Carter Feulner
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
Dennis Greenway
Marlins of Raleigh
Brady Schermer
Marlins of Raleigh
Dillon Barker
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
11 - 12, Timed Finals, #14
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Alexander Hummel
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
NCAG 600 +3.2% PB
2 Jax Garrett
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
NCAG 567 +1.3% PB
3 Ellis Carroll
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
516 +4.6% PB
4 Gabriel Navarro
Marlins of Raleigh
5 Tyson Ceglowski
Marlins of Raleigh
466 -0.5%
Bennett White
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
