CA John Sullivan Firecracker Invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ilya Kharun
Sandpipers of Nevada
887 +8.7% PB
2 Jack Gallob
Las Vegas Swim Club
3 Andrew Carlile
Southern Utah Swimming Association
686 -1.0%
4 Hilton Aitken
Sandpipers of Nevada
626 +3.8% SB
5 Shivansh Singhal
Sandpipers of Nevada
675 PB
6 Dillon Wright
Sandpipers of Nevada
650 PB
7 Max Carlsen
Las Vegas Swim Club
690 PB
8 Joe Christ
Las Vegas Swim Club
572 PB
9 Owen Carlsen
Las Vegas Swim Club
609 PB
10 Isaiah Cerda
Team Rebel Aquatics
11 Bryce Grover
Sandpipers of Nevada
12 Max Morley
Southern Utah Swimming Association
575 +2.0% PB
13 Kala Cabana
Southern Utah Swimming Association
555 +2.6% SB
14 Cade Daniels-Hejna
Sandpipers of Nevada
598 PB
15 Pablo Cerda
Team Rebel Aquatics
16 Hayden Tellier
Las Vegas Swim Club
538 PB
17 Maks Maskalenka
Sandpipers of Nevada
479 PB
18 Jacob Imasa
Sandpipers of Nevada
582 -1.0%
19 Andrew Cooper
Boulder City Henderson Heatwave
512 PB
20 Yamato Lucero
Sandpipers of Nevada
21 Troy Eggers
Southern Utah Swimming Association
462 +8.7% PB
22 Riley Clinton
Sandpipers of Nevada
23 Alex Valerio
Sandpipers of Nevada
415 PB
24 Nicholas Moore
Sandpipers of Nevada
459 PB
25 Rhys Gallagher
Sandpipers of Nevada
26 Kenny Meyer
Sandpipers of Nevada
444 PB
27 Asher Kaltsas
Sandpipers of Nevada
28 Grant Livsey
Sandpipers of Nevada
29 Derek Hall
Southern Utah Swimming Association
423 +3.3% PB
30 Kade Bethers
Southern Utah Swimming Association
333 +1.0% PB
31 Jay Castro
Sandpipers of Nevada
420 PB
32 Allen Mejia
Desert Storm Swimming
33 Brady Thom
Las Vegas Swim Club
348 PB
34 Adni Marinovic
Las Vegas Swim Club
399 PB
35 Hayden Rasmussen
Sandpipers of Nevada
344 PB
36 Damon Ericksen
Southern Utah Swimming Association
327 +7.6% PB
37 Ayden Lee
Las Vegas Swim Club
38 Jacob Cardinali
Las Vegas Swim Club
321 PB
39 Chase Kehoe
Southern Utah Swimming Association
286 +15.8% PB
40 Joshua Lam
Sandpipers of Nevada
271 PB
41 Preston Keller
Las Vegas Swim Club
42 Brooks Livsey
Sandpipers of Nevada
43 Carlos Diaz
Sandpipers of Nevada
Valentino Montegrande
Nathan Truong
Sandpipers of Nevada
Ryder Nakamura
Sandpipers of Nevada
Bronson Benes
Desert Storm Swimming
Dmitri Weide
Sandpipers of Nevada
