NT LAC Level 2 Div 2 and
Open, Timed Finals, #206
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Elvin Jaya
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
785 +1.5% PB
2 Raul Santos
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
Open, Timed Finals, #106
Name Time Pts
1 Elvin Jaya
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
11 - 12, Timed Finals, #48
Name Time Score Imp
1 Jay Jani
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
9 +11.0% PB
2 Ethan Fang
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
7 +2.3% PB
3 David Li
Dallas Mustangs
6 -0.4%
4 MJ Ward
Dallas Mustangs
5 +1.4% SB
5 Oliver Koehne
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
4 +8.3% PB
6 Vincent Nguyen
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
3 PB
7 Daniel Wu
Dallas Mustangs
8 Jake Rorer
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
1 +4.8% SB
9 Theo Chen
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
+4.6% PB
10 Andrew Zettle
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
+6.5% PB
11 Michael Mitsynskyy
+2.9% PB
12 Nicolas Gomez
Elite Swim Program
10 and under, Timed Finals, #48
Name Time Score Imp
1 Elvin Jaya
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
9 +0.1% SB
2 Cooper Lucas
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
7 +5.7% SB
3 Oliver Feng
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
6 +9.4% PB
4 Grant Hu
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
5 PB
5 Lleyton Axline
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
4 PB
6 Aubrey Jaya
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
7 Leran Chang
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
2 +2.1% PB
8 Oliver Skoczylas
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
9 Luka Zivaljevic
Dallas Mustangs
10 Michael Scott
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
+2.2% SB
11 Michael Suchici
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
12 Markkus Tong
Lakeside Aquatic Club (TX)
+2.5% PB
