ST SCY Surge Classic
13 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Bexon Harrison
Aqua Swift Aquatics
760 -1.0%
2 Garrett Starnes
Surge Aquatics
645 -1.7%
3 Carson Wolbert
Schertz YMCA Swim Team
527 +0.7% PB
4 Campbell Noel
Capital Area Aquatics
567 -3.8%
5 Will Harrison
Aqua Swift Aquatics
555 PB
6 Jake Canales
Aqua Swift Aquatics
448 PB
7 Jason Cheng
Waterloo Swimming
392 +2.4% PB
8 Levi Garner
Surge Aquatics
385 +5.5% PB
9 Connor Daly
Capital Area Aquatics
361 PB
10 Benjamin Skinner
Surge Aquatics
176 -0.5%
11 Dylan Schrock
Capital Area Aquatics
202 +0.8% PB
12 Nathan Spencer
Surge Aquatics
158 +6.9% PB
13 Sterling Wright
Surge Aquatics
71 +3.5% PB
14 Colby Greenwood
Capital Area Aquatics
4 -4.8%
15 Martin Nguyen
Surge Aquatics
53 +3.3% SB
16 Charlie Morehouse
Surge Aquatics
2 +4.4% PB
17 Holden Bischoff
Surge Aquatics
2 -0.9%
18 Ethan Boisvert
Aqua Swift Aquatics
2 -8.4%
Ayden Wright
Surge Aquatics
Cooper Wagner
Aqua Swift Aquatics
Tarun Kurkal
Waterloo Swimming
Gael Moreno Sarmiento
Streamline Aquatics
Gus Lott
Waterloo Swimming
Kai Anderson
Surge Aquatics
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Parker Hill
Waterloo Swimming
391 +2.3% PB
2 Nate Tonn
Capital Area Aquatics
159 +6.9% PB
3 Ryder Peterson
Schertz YMCA Swim Team
Michael Martin
Surge Aquatics
10 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Barry Zhang
Waterloo Swimming
886 +0.2% PB