A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Walter Karstens
Marlins of Raleigh
559 +9.6% PB
2 Kyle Maier
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
629 +1.2% PB
3 Davin Tjandra
TAC Titans
627 +0.8% PB
4 Andrew Vo
Evergreen Hurricanes
5 Aravind Ganesan
TAC Titans
476 -1.1%
6 Samuel Faber
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
532 +3.8% PB
7 Zach Thorson
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
437 -0.5%
Jack Benton
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Josh Navarro
TAC Titans
609 +3.1% PB
10 Jeffrey Whittington
Marlins of Raleigh
482 -0.9%
11 Gideon Bezuidenhout
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
458 +0.5% PB
12 Stephen Gaudette
North Carolina Aquatic Club
435 +3.4% PB
13 Simon Todd
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
518 +0.4% PB
14 Ben Prucha
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
515 +5.9% PB
15 Andrew Gaudette
North Carolina Aquatic Club
417 +3.7% PB
16 Peter Bretzmann
North Carolina Aquatic Club
512 +4.3% PB
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Kyle Maier
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
612 +0.5% PB
2 Davin Tjandra
TAC Titans
604 -0.1%
3 Andrew Vo
Evergreen Hurricanes
4 Walter Karstens
Marlins of Raleigh
502 +7.5% PB
5 Jack Benton
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
598 -0.2%
6 Aravind Ganesan
TAC Titans
481 -0.9%
7 Zach Thorson
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
576 +5.0% PB
8 Samuel Faber
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
563 +4.9% PB
9 Jeffrey Whittington
Marlins of Raleigh
450 -2.3%
10 Simon Todd
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
541 +1.3% PB
11 Stephen Gaudette
North Carolina Aquatic Club
424 +3.0% PB
12 Gideon Bezuidenhout
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
421 -1.0%
13 Andrew Gaudette
North Carolina Aquatic Club
409 +3.4% PB
14 Peter Bretzmann
North Carolina Aquatic Club
496 +3.7% PB
15 Ben Prucha
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
491 +5.0% PB
16 Josh Navarro
TAC Titans
490 -1.6%
17 Aidan Mabunga
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
395 -1.5%
18 Charles Samuel Hall
Marlins of Raleigh
485 +0.7% PB
19 Nohl Johnson
Evergreen Hurricanes
20 Will Soleo
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
474 -2.0%
21 Uhlan Larrie
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
367 +0.5% PB
22 Andy Mu
North Carolina Aquatic Club
454 -0.2%
23 David Wohl
North Carolina Aquatic Club
355 +1.8% PB
24 Raymond Dai
North Carolina Aquatic Club
353 +0.9% PB
25 Kiarash Sehhizadeh
Marlins of Raleigh
353 +3.2% PB
26 Trevor O'Neill
Marlins of Raleigh
350 +2.3% PB
27 Davis Carson
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
430 -1.6%
28 JC Tan
TAC Titans
426 +2.1% PB
29 Jason Donnelly
Marlins of Raleigh
413 +1.8% PB
30 Jonathan Raynor
Marlins of Raleigh
412 +2.1% PB
31 Felix Tuenker
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
315 -2.0%
32 Michael Partrick
Marlins of Raleigh
405 +6.6% PB
33 Micah Larrie
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
400 -0.5%
34 Sahil Patel
TAC Titans
396 +6.3% PB
35 Aidan Zakaria
North Carolina Aquatic Club
36 Noah Boognl
Evergreen Hurricanes
37 Gabe Walker
New Millennium Aquatics
287 +0.6% PB
38 Nathan Jones
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
276 +1.6% PB
39 Zach Seelbach
North Carolina Aquatic Club
272 +8.7% PB
40 Josh Deming
Marlins of Raleigh
264 +4.7% PB
41 Sebastian Razo
Life Time NC
344 -1.5%
42 Victor Haxholdt
TAC Titans
343 -2.2%
43 Tanner Ivy
Team Charlotte Swimming
247 +2.6% PB
44 Ben Wilson
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
242 -1.7%
45 Justin Nagy
TAC Titans
318 +3.0% PB
46 Ryan Legge
Marlins of Raleigh
228 +0.9% PB
47 Jadon Valles
Granite Falls Makos
311 +0.2% PB
48 Landon Soroka
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
269 -1.3%
49 Matt Cochis
TAC Titans
182 +1.2% PB
50 Matt Greeley
North Carolina Aquatic Club
181 -2.9%
51 Jacob Crater
TAC Titans
179 -1.6%
52 Tristan Wade
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
166 +2.8% PB
53 Declan Gleason
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
242 -2.2%
54 Garreth Parsons
Marlins of Raleigh
148 -0.3%
55 Thomas Maxwell
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
222 -0.9%
56 Geoffrey Dean
TAC Titans
138 -2.1%
57 Corbin Hunter
North Carolina Aquatic Club
200 -0.3%
58 Tyler Bennett
Granite Falls Makos
179 -0.9%
59 Ethan Kalika
TAC Titans
102 +0.3% PB
60 Nicolas Isola
North Carolina Aquatic Club
93 -4.9%
61 Aidan Sadowski
TAC Titans
146 -3.3%
62 Ishan Patel
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
122 +2.0% PB
63 Shas Shanmuganathan
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
102 -7.3%
64 Bryant Bridgers
YMCA of the Triangle Area Swim Team
98 +5.9% PB
Ian Woodward
Marlins of Raleigh
Mark Pedersen
Life Time NC
Aditya Chauhan
TAC Titans
