VA CGBD Dolphin Holiday Games
16 - 99, Finals, #63
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Anna Keniston
Tidewater Aquatic Club
473 +4.9% SB
2 Sarah Kish
Nova of Virginia
455 +5.1% PB
16 - 99, Preliminaries, #63
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Anna Keniston
Tidewater Aquatic Club
494 +5.8% PB
2 Sarah Kish
Nova of Virginia
356 +0.7% PB
13, Preliminaries, #63
Name Time
Savannah Press
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
11 - 12, Finals, #63
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Cameron Darnell
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
667 +0.3% PB
2 Sofia Kohler
Tidewater Aquatic Club
636 +4.2% PB
3 Maddi Donaldson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
626 +2.1% PB
4 Kenzie Wallace
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
563 +2.2% PB
5 Caitlin Wilson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
465 +1.9% PB
6 Alice South
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
300 -0.8%
7 Cameron Stevens
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
2 +10.9% PB
Ella Arbuckle
Tidewater Aquatic Club
11 - 12, Preliminaries, #63
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Cameron Darnell
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
650 -0.6%
2 Sofia Kohler
Tidewater Aquatic Club
644 +4.6% PB
3 Maddi Donaldson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
607 +1.1% PB
4 Kenzie Wallace
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
553 +1.7% PB
5 Caitlin Wilson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
365 -3.3%
6 Alice South
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
237 -4.4%
7 Ella Arbuckle
Tidewater Aquatic Club
133 -7.9%
8 Cameron Stevens
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
2 +6.5% PB
Hannah Chen
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
Lily Perrin
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
10, Timed Finals, #81
Name Time Pts
1 Eleanor Tracey
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
9, Timed Finals, #81
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Lucy Barber
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
308 +7.5% PB
Logan Reaves
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
8 and under, Timed Finals, #31
Name Time Pts
1 Mary Tracey
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
