SE ENSW Ensworth Holiday Classic
A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Gray Attmore
Ensworth Aquatics
871 +1.2% PB
2 Christopher Rector
Victory Swim Team
720 PB
3 Carson Serbin
Middle Tennessee Swim Club
690 +0.0% SB
4 Carter Miller
Ensworth Aquatics
716 +0.4% PB
5 Corbin Songer
Ensworth Aquatics
707 -1.0%
6 Hunter Walton
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
633 +4.4% PB
7 Jonathan Henschel
Ensworth Aquatics
625 +3.4% PB
8 David Coyle
Ensworth Aquatics
682 +2.1% PB
9 River Bailey
Victory Swim Team
569 +5.3% PB
10 Samuel Brackins
Sevier Aquatic Club
588 +1.7% SB
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
11 Fielding Staelin
Ensworth Aquatics
606 +8.3% PB
12 James Johnson
Ensworth Aquatics
631 +4.2% PB
13 Caden Sweetman
Streamline Aquatic Club
481 +0.1% PB
14 Parker Dawes
Streamline Aquatic Club
513 PB
15 Alex Smetanko
Highbridge Aquatics
539 +4.6% PB
16 Henry Mead
Prime Aquatics
533 +2.0% SB
17 Brody Harcrow
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
470 +6.9% PB
18 Will Mead
Prime Aquatics
388 +2.1% PB
Alex Ogle
Sevier Aquatic Club
Kerry willard
Prime Aquatics
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Gray Attmore
Ensworth Aquatics
847 +0.1% PB
2 Oliver Pilkinton
Ensworth Aquatics
774 +1.2% PB
3 Carter Miller
Ensworth Aquatics
698 -0.5%
4 Jonathan Henschel
Ensworth Aquatics
630 +3.6% PB
5 Corbin Songer
Ensworth Aquatics
690 -1.8%
6 Carson Serbin
Middle Tennessee Swim Club
656 -1.5%
7 David Coyle
Ensworth Aquatics
662 +1.2% PB
8 Solon Baldwin
Baylor Swim Club
588 +3.2% PB
9 Christopher Rector
Victory Swim Team
649 PB
10 River Bailey
Victory Swim Team
594 +6.3% PB
11 Hunter Walton
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
538 +0.3% SB
12 Samuel Brackins
Sevier Aquatic Club
601 +2.3% SB
13 Evan King
Victory Swim Team
594 +1.8% PB
14 Fielding Staelin
Ensworth Aquatics
553 +6.1% SB
15 James Johnson
Ensworth Aquatics
568 +1.5% PB
16 Kerry willard
Prime Aquatics
494 -3.0%
17 Alex Smetanko
Highbridge Aquatics
549 +5.0% PB
18 Henry Mead
Prime Aquatics
541 +2.3% SB
19 Parker Dawes
Streamline Aquatic Club
505 PB
20 David Bauer
TNT Swimming
530 +1.5% PB
21 Liam Runkle
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
528 -1.5%
22 Caden Sweetman
Streamline Aquatic Club
433 -2.1%
23 Austin Huffhines
The Stingrays
474 -0.1%
24 Ryan Teuton
Baylor Swim Club
416 PB
25 Remington Hitchcox
The Stingrays
413 PB
26 Brody Harcrow
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
425 +5.0% PB
27 Leo Tarusov
Middle Tennessee Swim Club
402 +0.5% PB
28 Will Mead
Prime Aquatics
368 +1.2% PB
29 Will Graves
Highbridge Aquatics
303 +6.7% PB
30 Nate Selander
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
363 -2.2%
31 Wells Moffitt
Prime Aquatics
267 -2.1%
32 Jean Drugmand
Streamline Aquatic Club
321 -0.8%
33 Garet Gipson
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
34 Mason Howard
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
226 +1.6% PB
35 Alex Ogle
Sevier Aquatic Club
226 PB
36 Sam White
Ensworth Aquatics
247 -0.2%
37 David Lanham
Five Rivers Swim Team
181 +1.2% SB
38 Kyler Misenheimer
Prime Aquatics
175 +2.2% PB
39 Jackson Morgan
Sevier Aquatic Club
218 -1.7%
40 David Dolack
Tullahoma Swim Club
161 +1.1% PB
41 Devin Dothard
Middle Tennessee Swim Club
163 +4.5% PB
42 Tyler Brown
Middle Tennessee Swim Club
157 +1.3% PB
43 Chase Climer
Middle Tennessee Swim Club
177 -4.2%
44 Patrick O'Connor
The Stingrays
108 PB
45 Andrew Mercado
Tullahoma Swim Club
80 PB
46 Isaiah Gill
Southeast Tennessee Swimming
81 PB
Cutler Stubblefield
Ensworth Aquatics
