ST TXLA Texas Open
11 - 12, Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Chase Harton
Longhorn Aquatics
2 +1.5% PB
11 - 12, Preliminaries
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Chase Harton
Longhorn Aquatics
2 +2.8% PB
10 and under, Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Iker Lopez
Longhorn Aquatics
639 +3.7% PB
2 Carl Marti
Longhorn Aquatics
634 +0.4% PB
3 Oliver Jones
Longhorn Aquatics
593 +2.5% PB
4 Lukas Tetmeyer
Longhorn Aquatics
97 +3.2% PB
5 Burke Magee
Longhorn Aquatics
147 +0.1% PB
6 Eric Crockett
Longhorn Aquatics
10 and under, Preliminaries
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Carl Marti
Longhorn Aquatics
635 +0.4% PB
2 Iker Lopez
Longhorn Aquatics
607 +2.1% PB
3 Oliver Jones
Longhorn Aquatics
555 +0.6% PB
4 Lukas Tetmeyer
Longhorn Aquatics
180 +8.1% PB
5 Burke Magee
Longhorn Aquatics
177 +1.9% PB
6 Eric Crockett
Longhorn Aquatics
Ezra Robertson-Marsh
Longhorn Aquatics