ST TXLA Texas Open
15 and over, Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Kyle Valdez
Austin Swim Club
807 +1.6% PB
2 Josh Bedford
Austin Swim Club
766 PB
3 Camilo Vargas
Longhorn Aquatics
703 +0.3% SB
4 Griff Orloff
Austin Swim Club
690 +0.6% PB
5 Karsten Olsen
Longhorn Aquatics
593 +1.2% PB
6 Ben Adams
Longhorn Aquatics
467 PB
7 Michael Taylor
Austin Swim Club
438 PB
15 and over, Preliminaries
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Kyle Valdez
Austin Swim Club
785 +0.7% PB
2 Camilo Vargas
Longhorn Aquatics
715 +0.7% PB
3 Josh Bedford
Austin Swim Club
744 PB
4 Aidan Spaulding
Austin Swim Club
724 +1.9% PB
5 Griff Orloff
Austin Swim Club
645 -1.1%
6 Karsten Olsen
Longhorn Aquatics
589 +1.0% PB
7 Michael Taylor
Austin Swim Club
437 PB
8 Ben Adams
Longhorn Aquatics
13 - 14, Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Travis Ayers
Longhorn Aquatics
661 +6.8% PB
2 Walter Armstrong
Austin Swim Club
617 +0.1% PB
3 Eli Ward
Austin Swim Club
598 +2.1% PB
4 Ty Shapley
Austin Swim Club
632 -0.5%
5 Joey Mowery
Austin Swim Club
553 +2.8% PB
13 - 14, Preliminaries
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Walter Armstrong
Austin Swim Club
588 -1.0%
2 Travis Ayers
Longhorn Aquatics
587 +4.1% PB
3 Eli Ward
Austin Swim Club
539 -0.3%
4 Ty Shapley
Austin Swim Club
621 -1.0%
5 Joey Mowery
Austin Swim Club
506 +1.0% PB
6 Colton Spaulding
Austin Swim Club
406 -1.0%
10 and under, Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Carl Marti
Longhorn Aquatics
529 +2.7% PB
2 Iker Lopez
Longhorn Aquatics
489 +2.8% PB
3 Oliver Jones
Longhorn Aquatics
10 and under, Preliminaries
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Carl Marti
Longhorn Aquatics
497 +1.2% PB
2 Oliver Jones
Longhorn Aquatics
3 Iker Lopez
Longhorn Aquatics
422 -0.4%