CT GRYM June Invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Abby King
Storm Aquatics
664 +2.4% PB
2 Penny Lazar
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
3 Haley Penn
Storm Aquatics
513 +0.2% PB
4 Maddie Horner
Gael Aquatic Clu
540 +5.5% PB
5 Selen Yasanliel
Darien Community YMCA Piranhas
487 PB
6 Ella Sohng
Storm Aquatics
388 +0.1% PB
7 Emma Stehmann
YMCA of Greenwich Marlins
469 -5.0%
8 Caroline Bach
Gael Aquatic Clu
459 +3.3% PB
9 Sophia Rende
Gael Aquatic Clu
10 Daphne Konstantinis
Darien Community YMCA Piranhas
11 Olivia Cieciwa
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
12 Katie Lenes
Storm Aquatics
317 PB
13 Sharon Yang
Gael Aquatic Clu
405 +2.2% PB
14 Natalie Carousso
Storm Aquatics
395 PB
15 Lauren McCauley
YMCA of Greenwich Marlins
390 +0.7% PB
16 Karin Lund
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
274 +7.1% PB
17 Annie Slocum
Storm Aquatics
18 Daniella Dziedzic
Storm Aquatics
253 -3.9%
19 Abi Prithipal
Storm Aquatics
241 -4.7%
20 Molly Joyce
Storm Aquatics
275 +0.2% PB
21 Nicole Conway
Storm Aquatics
275 +0.7% PB
22 Keriana Velazquez
Darien Community YMCA Piranhas
23 Emma Dawson
Gael Aquatic Clu
179 -2.2%
24 Bitsy Gaza
Storm Aquatics
155 PB
25 Lucy Wayne
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
83 -0.3%
Annika Wise
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
