MR LIE Winterfest
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Joy Jiang
Westchester Aquatic Club
891 +0.3% PB
2 Morgan Rinn
Long Island Express
757 -0.6%
3 Elizabeth Walsh
Long Island Express
697 -2.4%
4 Kristen Gullickson
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
689 -1.7%
5 Yilinna Collmar
Westchester Aquatic Club
759 -2.6%
6 Esther Lin
Westchester Aquatic Club
758 +1.0% PB
7 Jessica Whang
Long Island Express
678 +0.1% PB
8 Shannon Welcome
Long Island Express
675 +0.7% PB
9 Megan Smith
Long Island Express
625 -4.5%
10 Molly McLoughlin
Long Island Express
620 -1.0%
11 Rose Kelly
Long Island Express
610 -3.0%
12 Hannah Nyquist
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
617 -3.2%
12 Jenna Guo
Long Island Express
586 +0.8% PB
14 Meadow Perez
Long Island Express
614 -0.3%
15 Sophie Jahan
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
586 -3.1%
16 Stephanie Lai
New York Athletic Club
580 +2.6% SB
17 Georgeanne Zimmerman
Long Island Express
561 +0.6% SB
18 Emma Defreitas
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
560 -4.0%
19 Christina Li
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
544 +3.5% PB
20 Hannah McGrath
New York Athletic Club
527 -1.4%
21 Fiona Walsh
Long Island Express
556 -3.4%
22 Emily Gjertsen
Westchester Aquatic Club
577 +2.7% PB
23 Natalie Peng
Westchester Aquatic Club
697 +0.2% PB
24 Lucy Bischof
Westchester Aquatic Club
541 +0.7% SB
25 Sara Ostensen
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
509 +1.1% SB
26 Kristin Cornish
Westchester Aquatic Club
593 +0.1% SB
27 Samantha Schnupp
New York Athletic Club
485 +5.7% PB
28 Faith Sheinberg
Long Island Express
505 -2.9%
29 Elizabeth Lu
Long Island Express
471 -2.3%
30 Kalie Yuen
Long Island Express
483 -2.1%
31 Katherine Lee
Long Island Express
479 -7.8%
32 Madeline Wong
New York Athletic Club
463 +5.8% SB
33 Margaux Reyna
Westchester Aquatic Club
468 +1.8% PB
34 Caroline Adams
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
453 -3.5%
34 Katie Conte
Long Island Express
36 Emma Gan
Long Island Express
431 -3.0%
37 Kristen Babel
Long Island Express
443 -0.5%
38 Siobhan Stapleton
Long Island Express
441 +0.4% SB
39 Eva Guo
Long Island Express
439 -1.1%
40 Nicolette Vanella
Long Island Express
41 Alexa Callaghan
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
411 -0.5%
42 Deirdre McCafferty
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
407 -0.2%
43 Peony Teo
New York Athletic Club
366 +3.5% PB
44 Amanda Huang
Long Island Express
375 PB
45 Christina Pan
Gateway Swimmers
374 +1.0% PB
46 Catherine Elias
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
47 Angela Lao
New York Athletic Club
358 PB
48 Alicia Renda
Bethpage Swim Club
338 +0.6% PB
49 Nicole Beck
Sachem Swim Club
334 -2.1%
50 Allyson Kraff
Long Island Express
331 +4.4% PB
51 Rebecca Diers
Bethpage Swim Club
318 -2.1%
52 Kaitlyn Callaghan
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
339 +0.8% PB
53 Salma reyna
Westchester Aquatic Club
485 -0.6%
54 Ying-Chu Chen
Greenwich YWCA Dolphins
581 +1.3% PB
55 Grace McKenna
Long Island Express
299 +1.7% PB
56 Casey Briordy
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
281 +0.9% PB
57 Grace Tague
Long Island Express
58 Natalie Shea
New York Athletic Club
238 PB
59 Claire Ramirez
Sachem Swim Club
194 -3.9%
60 Vivienne Lee
New York Athletic Club
169 +0.1% PB
61 Sarah Schatz
Sachem Swim Club
62 Alexa Reyna
Westchester Aquatic Club
427 -6.0%
63 Melissa Kelly
Bethpage Swim Club
120 +1.5% PB
64 Allie Gjertsen
Westchester Aquatic Club
196 +4.7% PB
65 Lily Ezrow
New York Athletic Club
66 Elissa Zboinski
Trident Aquatic Club at the JCC
25 +2.6% SB
