NT Metro 'Go the Distance
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Jeremy Pantalion
Metroplex Aquatics
642 +4.1% PB
2 Pete Fan
Metroplex Aquatics
621 -4.5%
3 Ethan Dolan
Metroplex Aquatics
523 0.0%
4 Blake Harp
Metroplex Aquatics
464 0.0%
5 Alex Graham
Metroplex Aquatics
474 -0.6%
6 Trevor Liu
Metroplex Aquatics
7 Cameron Teel
Metroplex Aquatics
441 -2.2%
8 Davis Looney
Metroplex Aquatics
431 PB
9 Brian Hasler
Metroplex Aquatics
324 -3.4%
10 Tristan Villa
Metroplex Aquatics
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Jason Park
Metroplex Aquatics
2 Omar Hmimy
Dallas Mustangs
529 +7.7% PB
3 David Jiang
Dallas Mustangs
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Nicholas Li
Metroplex Aquatics
728 -0.4%
2 Ahmed Miled
Metroplex Aquatics
391 PB
3 Daniel Wu
Dallas Mustangs
387 -0.9%
4 Wesley Geng
Metroplex Aquatics
486 PB
5 Aaron Lin
Metroplex Aquatics
6 Alec Chong
Metroplex Aquatics
354 +7.4% PB
7 Nicholas Graham
Metroplex Aquatics
150 +4.3% PB
8 Jackson Summers
Irving Swimmers
9 Mark Amirkan
Metroplex Aquatics
10 Jack Jiang
Dallas Mustangs
Connor Teel
Metroplex Aquatics
Jonathan Harp
Metroplex Aquatics