AM BPR Christmas Qualifier
15 and over, Finals, #22
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Alex Lepri
Peters Township
555 -1.4%
2 Max Skeen
Seneca Valley Sw
550 PB
3 Ryan Rose
Peters Township
458 -3.7%
15 and over, Preliminaries, #22
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Andrew Kohle
South Park Aquat
475 +3.6% SB
2 Caleb Hansen
Cavalier Swim Cl
419 -2.3%
3 Ethan Apaliski
Hampton Dolphins
476 PB
4 Max Skeen
Seneca Valley Sw
464 PB
5 Alex Lepri
Peters Township
455 -5.8%
6 Ryan Rose
Peters Township
434 -4.8%
7 Will Ganoe
Mount Lebanon Aqua Club
13 - 14, Finals, #22
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Herman Zilch
Greater Johnstown Community YMCA
484 +7.0% PB
2 Justin Manhollan
Peters Township
481 PB
3 Parker Sterlitz
Franklin Area Swim Team
510 -1.7%
4 Luka Misic
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
5 Ryan Senchyshak
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
389 PB
6 Topher Bishop
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
338 PB
7 Andrew White
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
438 PB
8 Eammon Anderson
Bethel Park Recreation
13 - 14, Preliminaries, #22
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Justin Manhollan
Peters Township
438 PB
2 Parker Sterlitz
Franklin Area Swim Team
526 -1.0%
3 Anthony Tumino
Norwin Aqua Club
526 +1.4% PB
4 Herman Zilch
Greater Johnstown Community YMCA
380 +2.7% PB
5 Andrew White
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
475 PB
6 Ryan Senchyshak
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
7 Luka Misic
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
8 Eammon Anderson
Bethel Park Recreation
9 Topher Bishop
Team Pittsburgh Elite Aquatics
302 PB
10 Zach Graham
South Park Aquat
257 -1.4%
Alex May
Montour Aqua Clu
11 - 12, Finals, #24
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Dane Fazio
North Hills Aquatic
293 -2.6%
11 - 12, Preliminaries, #24
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Noah Long
Racer X Aquatics
2 Trent Powell
Bethel Park Recreation
3 Dane Fazio
North Hills Aquatic
395 +2.3% PB
